Frontier Housing, Inc. was awarded $1,999,900 in US EPA Brownfield Cleanup Funds for the former Hayswood Hospital in Maysville, Kentucky. Funds will be used towards environmental cleanup of the site, per the standards as set forth by the Brownfields Grant Program. A public meeting is being held to relay updates on the project, including the current status and next steps, and provide the community with an opportunity to ask questions. Representatives from Frontier Housing, Buffalo Trace Area Development District, and Linebach Funkhouser, Inc. Environmental Compliance and Consulting, will be in attendance to facilitate community discussion. The City of Maysville is providing space for the meeting.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, August 13th, 2024, at 5:15 PM at the City of Maysville Municipal Building, located at 216 Bridge Street, Maysville, KY 41056. The meeting will also be accessible virtually, via computer or smartphone at the following link:
Frontier Housing, Inc, located in Morehead, Kentucky, is seeking a qualified environmental professional to provide certain duties associated to the Brownfield Cleanup Grant for the abandoned Hayswood Hospital in Maysville, Kentucky.
Proposals from interested firms and/or persons will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., March 28, 2024. Proposals must be submitted to Frontier Housing, Inc., to the Attention of Stephanie Cooley, Frontier Housing, Inc., 5445 Flemingsburg Road, Morehead, KY 40351, and be in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “Hayswood Hospital RFP/RFQ”. The RFP/RFQ packet containing information about the project and criteria that will be used to select the consulting firm may be obtained at or or by contacting Stephanie Cooley at Frontier Housing at Proposals will be ranked on the basis of written materials as set forth in the RFP/RFQ packet. Frontier Housing, Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all submittals.
Frontier Housing, Inc, is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages responses from all qualified firms. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply.
Tom-Manning Beavin, President & CEO